Doma Initiatives Breakfast Club
Saturday Morning Food + Architecture

November 18-19th, 2022
The SHIFT2022 conference brings together diverse speakers to inform a contemporary architecture discourse on building communities. Framed within the inextricably complex and evolving circumstances of the 21st century, it addresses a two-fold challenge: how do we begin to define a commonality and differences that is necessary to build communities, and in what way can architecture enact this through its physical space and built form.​

October 1st, 2022
Permata Green is an emerging Landscape Architecture Studio based in Penang lead by Teng Pe Yang. He will be sharing his experience in executing public projects and parks around George Town World Heritage Site. Most notably, sharing on the recently completed Penang Esplanade Seafront - the process, challenges and highlights of reconstructing a heritage landmark.

August 13th, 2022
As Studio Bikin marks its 10th year in practice, Farah Azizan and Adela Askandar will share the working dynamics within the studio, its challenges and good moments.
They will also reveal the processes involved in the architectural and interior interventions for the Else Hotel at the former Lee Rubber Building in Kuala Lumpur, a key project they have been working on for the last 5 years.

July 16th, 2022
Red shares key projects in the last ten years (!) of her career as a full-time artist, after her studies and stint in architecture.
The talk will also delve into how she runs her practice with her team: “Studio by Red” takes up commissioned creative projects to fund self-initiated artworks under her name, “Red Hong Yi”.
Red Hong Yi, Studio by Red

Sept 5th, 2020
Ar. Fabian Tan of Fabian Tan Architect shares with us his FABulous work and approach to designing homes.
Jan Yap of JOTA (Jorney of Transformation Artisans) for Penang, will be sharing his restoration and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings

Dec 7th, 2019
Jonathan Lee shares his masters thesis on the redevelopment of Rifle Range Penang in a project he called ‘Hopetown.
Eke Omardin, THINKCITY shares with us their work on preserving and promoting tradition, arts and culture and how to create spaces and events that engage with the locals and people within a city.

Aug 3rd, 2019
Heffrence Teow a recent graduate from Taylors University shared with us his final year masters thesis onb the ideas of surveillance and privacy and how architecture can be designed around it.
Lex Low of Asli Barbers shares his passion on giving back by educating and teaching life skills on barbering to the youths of the orang asli and helping them to build a career.

Apr 6th, 2019
Huat Lim of ZLG talked about art and architecture and how life should be lived and enjoyed slowly; and that we all don’t follow the path of lemmings towards our own destruction.
Rahman Roslan, photo journalists, shared his life on the road and how his work brought him along a path many would not travel.

Nov 10th, 2018
Ramesh Seshan of Seshan Design shared about his experiences and how the unexpected and unplanned can make a project more exciting and fun.
Joe Chan of Designtone gave a frank and honest approach to his practice and how design competitions and awards are won by strategy and planning.

Aug 4th, 2018
Chern Yih of Form Zero shared his experience with 2 recent projects; the Planter Box House and the Window House and the ‘behind the scene’ issues that he has to deal.
Luis Shin of Ideaworks shared his current interest and project of creating a shared living concept called Living Union.

May 21st, 2022
“It takes a village to make me who I am” Katy Perry - A study of the relationship between space and well-being.
Malaysia is home to 352,000 migrant workers who work on our oil palm plantations. These workers put in 11 hour days whilst staying in remote locations, away from home up till 3 years at a time. A proposed workers’ village in an oil palm plantation in Muazam Shah, Pahang, provide a platform to question and understand what gives meaning and significance in creating a home away from home for such isolated communities.
Wilson Sng, C'Arch Architecture + Design

Feb 8th, 2020
Zhao Wei Kim shares his thoughts and efforts about his ventures on creating Urban Agriculture through architecture
Hakym of KL Sketch Nation shares his works and how he brings togetherness throught sketching.

Nov 2nd, 2019
Jean Kian shares on her masters thesis on Scale-Ability and the Public Realm.
Kamal Patio shares his masters thesis and his personal interest on architecture and murals.

Jul 13th, 2019
Pamela Tan shared her interest in setting up and designing architectural installations and art sculptures and how her she repurposes past installations for new clients.
Jun Ong + Kyle of POW Ideas shares with us their project that revisits the traditional art of fortune telling and how their initial work in SS2 night market got developed and reworked for the Venice Biennale

Mar 2nd, 2019
Inch Lim of Inchscape talked about how gardens and landscape evokes emotions and how it makes people feel around it. Inch talked about his experiences in planting and how the lines between architecture and landscape can be blurry.
H of Ground Control shared with us the importance of soil and how it impacts the environment surrounding us. The idea of home composting and the importance of balancing ‘carbon’-usage.

Oct 6th, 2018
David Tan of Ministry of Design (MOD) shared their approach in design and how they QUESTION, DISTURB and REDEFINE each of their projects.
Beatrice and Shao-Lyn of Eats, Shoots and Roots shared how they intend to reintroduce the benefits of farming in an urban environment and how they have been educating the next generation of urbanites to appreciate home grown produce.

April 2nd, 2022
Sarah Merican of R+, the research arm of GDP Architects together with Kamil Merican shares their graduates incubation program that they started during the start of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in 2021.

Jan 4th, 2020
Ning of Chocolate Concierge shares his passion on growing cocoa and farming local Malaysian cocoa beans and chocolates.
Liza, architect and director of Architect61 and previously Surbana International shares her personal life story and her challenge of fighting and surviving cancer.

Sep 7th, 2019
Masyerin Nor – DOMAINE ARCHITECTS shared on their recently completed hotel project and the collaboration with other designers.
Bryan Che, Ar. Foo HuiPing, Studio Karya and Normal Architecture shares with us their competition entry for the Singapore Founders Memorial

Jun 15th, 2019
Caleb Ong a recent graduate from Taylors University shared with us his final year masters thesis on co-sharing spaces.
Masoud Moinfar of Fenestra shared with us his experience façade design and how wind tunnel simulations are able to help architects and engineers design more efficiently.

Jan 5th, 2019
Prof. Robert Powell shared his experiences on the making of his latest book, The Tropical Malaysian House and how he went about in the selection process and the team that put the whole book together in 11 months.
Nick Ling of Konzepte shared with us his take on mass housing and how his office looks at the problems of the exidsting typologies and questions what else can be done to make it better.

Sep 1st, 2018
Shin Chang of Mentah Matter shared his interest in Food and Architecture and his endeavours into restaurants and cafes and how it relates back to his passion for architecture.
Soon Wei of The Royal Press and APW shared his years of work documenting and keeping the legacy of his family’s print business and how he is currently working on a print museum that will preserve an industry that has since been over taken by modern technology.